How young is too young for sleepaway camp?


My daughter is turning 5 next month (don't freak out yet), and I have been looking into summer camps during downtime at my work. She wouldn't be going until the summer after next when she will be entering second grade, she will be 6 (almost 7) at the time. Have any of you sent your children this young to summer camp? Also, do you feel that summer camps are safe? The reason I ask this is that, I found one camp that I REALLY like, it's an all girls camp, female counselors and all. They have great programs, very selective hiring of their counselors, etc, but every time I mention this to any of my family (my mom, grandma, etc) they freak out and tell me I shouldn't send her away to camp, "there's too many weirdos out there", etc I understand their caution, but I can't not let her have any experiences just because of that chance, can I?? I think it would be such a wonderful experience, and help her to learn independence, but are these summer camps really that dangerous??
By the way, I have checked into the camp extensively, talked to the owners, counselors, other girls who have attended the camp, etc. It is a fairly prestigious camp with girls attending from many countries. The counselor ratio is at the very least 1counselor to every 2 campers at the young age groups and at least 1:4 at the older age groups. They have a very very good safety record, etc.
I get that it's about the fun, and I think she would enjoy it, she is quite mature for her age already and is quite comfortable staying away from home, even for a few days at a time. I wasn't so sure about sending her that early, that is the age at which the camp I am looking at starts accepting the campers, so I was just curious about children that young going to sleepaway camp. The camp lasts only for 2 weeks (well you can sign up for 4 consecutive sessions, but I couldn't let her go for more than 2 weeks, lol). The reason I am looking into this already is just because I get bored at work, seriously. I am just very grateful for the fact that I can afford to do things like this for my daughter, I was raised just a stitch above being poor so my parents couldn't afford much. I can, and I want to give her every opportunity possible to help her grow as a person. And I want her to have more fun and good times than the local daycare can offer in the summertime.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not one of those parents who is going to push her into going if she does not want to go. I let her have input on most of the decisions concerning her day to day life, and if she does not express an interest when I talk to her about it, I will not push it. I believe that is terribly wrong to force your child into something they want nothing to do with. All that does is cause bad feelings about the activity in question.

I started going to sleepaway camp at age 7. I went until I was 18 and loved it dearly. It was honestly the best memories of my life.

As for the proper age.. it depends on your child. My camp started at 7.... but not every 7 year old is ready. Has she ever slept away from home before (with relatives) and how did she handle it? Is she afraid of new things or does she handle it well? Is she generally independent and capable of doing all basic self care? Is she able to compromise and handle problems well? Does she generally get along well with other children, even for extended periods? Does she follow directions well? Does she transition between activities well and generally participate in most things she is offered?

If she is pretty good in all these areas go for it! At my camp girls who were a bit tomboyish fit in best. So long as the girls were open to new experiences, generally well behaved, and could handle living with other kids they were great. Everyone gets a little homesick but most everyone was OK after 2 days (i was counselor to 7-8 yr olds).

The very first time she goes do not send her away for the full session. Go for a mini-session (1-2 weeks) the first time, then if she enjoys it increase it after. Talk to her about camp beforehand. Maybe make something special for camp or bring something to give to hut mates to help break the ice. Talk about what fun it will be.

My gramma thought my parents were abandoning me in the woods with a bunch of strangers. My gramma and grandpa tried to get them not to send me. My camp was in VA and my home was in FL. But i loved it! Heck, at camp I could be anyone. I didn't have to live up to expectations of school friends or parents. I could be what I wanted and I gained new skills and responsibilites.

Look for a camp where the counselors are former campers. All girls is definitely better. Cabins.. not tents. Counselors living in the cabins with the kids. See if they have generational campers. Many old camps will have 2nd and 3rd generation campers. It is a sign of a good camp when families have such loyalty like that. Look for a variety of activities where she can pick her own classes and have some variety. Good luck!! Camp is a wonderful experience!

I need a GENIUS camp prank?

Ryder CUp

I am going camping this summer and it is our last year of being kids on the site, next year we are leaders. Therefore, I need a genius camp prank idea. We have done many things such as set up breakfast outside on the grass in the middle of the night and all sorts. I need a massive prank that can take alot of effort, best prank get's a best answer...

P.S. we tried to hire a panda but It isn't possible

Put food in everyone's tents. That way all the... well shall we say... creepy crawlies get into everyone's tent. Or you could buy some fake snakes to put in places... especially if you're on platform tents because snakes usually hide under there. Or, in the middle of the night pour water on where people sleep so it sounds like someone's doing their business on their tent, cabin, etc. Don't get too carried away though, you could get in trouble.

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