Camping with toddlers?

We are going to make our first family camping trip soon. We will be in a tent at a state park for 2 nights. We're getting some flash lights and glow sticks that will keep them occupied at night, but what can we do with out 2 & 3 year old girls during the day that will keep them happy? At home they spend their day taking out every single toy they have and wrecking our house... any good activities for small children?

Of course take some of their toys with you especially buckets and shovels. I think you will find that exploring with sticks dirt grass and bugs will keep them well busy...don't forget they may meet new friends too depending on how busy the campsite is. Be prepared also that perhaps the first night either they will fall asleep quick or they will be over tired and hard to get down..Its a lot of excitement and great adventure for the little ones. Enjoy your trip.

1st Camping trip with a 14 mth old?


We are going on our 1st camping trip with our daughter who is 14 months. We will be tent camping My husband and I have camped our whole lives, and we know what to do for us. However, this is our first time with a toddler. Can you tell me what worked best for those of you who are used to "toddler tent camping"? We have a decent sized tent and plan on bringing the pack-n-play. We also have a bug cover for it (though she's taller than that) and we have a snugli. Any smart ideas about keeping the campfire area safe? What should I pack? How did sleeping go? Thanks in advance!

We went camping when our LO was nine months old for one week. He wasn't yet walking, but he was extremely active and crawling everywhere. I bought a cheap 2-man tent from Target. We just left the rain cover off it and put some toys in there and used it as his play area. He was quite happy in there during the evenings and mornings, he could see everything going on, and it kept him safe.

We brought along a few changes of clothes for him, mainly "play" clothes, because everything got filthy! We brought along an assortment of toys, but really the best things were plastic things without moving parts that could be washed easily.

Sleeping was a challenge. He slept in his portable cot in the tent with us at night, which was fine. Altho he woke up at sunrise every day! I tried to keep things as normal as possible, we brought along a portable CD player to play his sleepy music on. It was actually really lovely in the evenings, relaxing with a glass of wine and listening to the music!
Daytime naps were quite hard. We tried him in the cot, but it was just way too hot (Aussie summer camping). In the end we used his pram for daytime sleeps, with a muslin wrap draped over the front to block out the light. I found a bumpy footpath to roll it along to rock him to sleep.This worked really well after a day or two.

Bug spray was also invaluable, I got a special one for sensive skin that could be used on babies. And obviously, bring a first aid kit with the essentials- antiseptic, band aids, tweezers, etc...

Have fun!

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