I want to camp in a tent and ride a bicycle into town each day. I've read about camping on dispersed public land, but I've also read about camping in national parks and paying $5 a day or $180-$300 for a whole season. But the ones that offer a whole season pass seem to be for RV's. I can't find much info about riding in on a bicycle and setting up a tent.
So what are some areas in the western states that would be suitable for tent camping in the winter, that are cheap or free and accessible by bike? Preferably a place with showers or somewhere to wash off.
I don't know if they still publish/sell them, but we used to use the Rand Mcnally style campground guides when we travelled out West and never had trouble finding cheap places to tent camp. The National Forest campgrounds tended to only be a couple of bucks and we often were able to get space for a tent at privately owned campgrounds for very little since we didn't need the water and power hookups the RV users needed. Even if all their regular spaces were full they could make a couple of bucks by letting us find a corner for our tent. We even got spaces free a couple of times.
As far as specific areas within bike distance of town, the only ones that comes to mind at the moment are the Lake Minnewaska campground outside Banff in the Canadian Rockies (great tent sites with bathrooms and concrete shelters where you can cook and hang out at picnic tables when it's raining) and the Canyonlands Camground in Moab, Utah. It's been at least 12 years since I was at either one but I recall it was only around $5 a night to get a tent site at them.
I don't know if they still publish/sell them, but we used to use the Rand Mcnally style campground guides when we travelled out West and never had trouble finding cheap places to tent camp. The National Forest campgrounds tended to only be a couple of bucks and we often were able to get space for a tent at privately owned campgrounds for very little since we didn't need the water and power hookups the RV users needed. Even if all their regular spaces were full they could make a couple of bucks by letting us find a corner for our tent. We even got spaces free a couple of times.
As far as specific areas within bike distance of town, the only ones that comes to mind at the moment are the Lake Minnewaska campground outside Banff in the Canadian Rockies (great tent sites with bathrooms and concrete shelters where you can cook and hang out at picnic tables when it's raining) and the Canyonlands Camground in Moab, Utah. It's been at least 12 years since I was at either one but I recall it was only around $5 a night to get a tent site at them.
road trip to canada - banff, what all should I bring?

my route im doing with my college buddies will be like this. tn to chicago to minnapolis to rapid city to glacier then to canada (banff in canadian rockies), then back down to salt lake, denver, wichita, then home.
I have a list of my own, im mainly going to be camping. However I wanted the minds of a bunch of people to list off what they would bring then itd help me figure out if im missing anything that would be helpful.
I'll be in a 08 corrolla so whatever ya think can fit in a sudan with 3 people, meaning no canoes on it X-P (and yep im bringing a tent.)
Best answer will be based upon what i may think be the overall best list for this 2 week road trip or whoever makes me add the most things to the current list I have. disregard money.
please throw your opinions, and I wish I could pick more than one best answer for this but you all would be helping out a lot by doing this. a million minds (on yahoo) think better than just 3 of us that are going.
BRING A PAPER MAP your gizmo's do not always work in the mountains from Salt lake to Banff. You can reserve camp-sites ahead both in Canada and the US. When there is not HIGH FIRE DANGER depends on local weather, you are usually permitted a camping and or a cooking fire bring fire starting material matches/lighter a few things to cook with over the fire or wrapped in Aluminium foil shiny side out beside the fire on the hot coals. Clothes hanger wire works great for dogs and marshmallows.Bring sturdy walking/hiking boots.(low rise is fine) Temperature varies greatly during the day. Bring clothing that you can layer.Do not bring too much there are laundromats in most places so you can refresh. JOIN AAA club in your area then get their maps and travel guides. Can get city maps,state maps, guidebooks for accommodation and sightseeing points of interest at NO CHARGE with membership. This also helps if you have car trouble on your journey in Canada and the US..Check your phone plan for ROAMING charges you may want to change plans for when you are out west so you do not get extra fees for Canada.Have minimal food when crossing border in either direction. Tinned and packaged items usually O K fresh uncooked fruits,veggies and meats have various restrictions going in both directions over border. Car insurance for Canada your passports.Various routes North from glacier to Banff (Chief Mountain Border Crossing only open for a few months roads closed by SNOW)
others are open year round.
http://www.youtube.com/user/banfflakelouise2 for some videos of activities in Banff area
http://cs.calgarystampede.com/basics/ A small party for about 1,500,000 people mid July in Calgary
http://getlostmt.com/ A new site for the secret places in Montana.
Enjoy your adventure distances are long so make sure to leave room in the car for people you are riding many hours at a time. You will have access to stores if you forget to pack something you need so do not worry about bringing everything.
Pack a cooler along and keep it stocked with beverages and snacks for travelling
Car supplies a few quarts of motor oil (can buy as you go) windshield washer fluid A scrubber type sponge to clean bugs off the windows. Have your car serviced before you go tires filters wipers oil change and so on.Practise changing a tire to make sure you know you have and can use to required tools.
DUCT tape get item for repairs to many things while camping.
Heavy string or cord to hang clothes from when you have bad weather days.and need to dry it out.
Bring a spirit of adventure and that should complete the list.
BRING A PAPER MAP your gizmo's do not always work in the mountains from Salt lake to Banff. You can reserve camp-sites ahead both in Canada and the US. When there is not HIGH FIRE DANGER depends on local weather, you are usually permitted a camping and or a cooking fire bring fire starting material matches/lighter a few things to cook with over the fire or wrapped in Aluminium foil shiny side out beside the fire on the hot coals. Clothes hanger wire works great for dogs and marshmallows.Bring sturdy walking/hiking boots.(low rise is fine) Temperature varies greatly during the day. Bring clothing that you can layer.Do not bring too much there are laundromats in most places so you can refresh. JOIN AAA club in your area then get their maps and travel guides. Can get city maps,state maps, guidebooks for accommodation and sightseeing points of interest at NO CHARGE with membership. This also helps if you have car trouble on your journey in Canada and the US..Check your phone plan for ROAMING charges you may want to change plans for when you are out west so you do not get extra fees for Canada.Have minimal food when crossing border in either direction. Tinned and packaged items usually O K fresh uncooked fruits,veggies and meats have various restrictions going in both directions over border. Car insurance for Canada your passports.Various routes North from glacier to Banff (Chief Mountain Border Crossing only open for a few months roads closed by SNOW)
others are open year round.
http://www.youtube.com/user/banfflakelouise2 for some videos of activities in Banff area
http://cs.calgarystampede.com/basics/ A small party for about 1,500,000 people mid July in Calgary
http://getlostmt.com/ A new site for the secret places in Montana.
Enjoy your adventure distances are long so make sure to leave room in the car for people you are riding many hours at a time. You will have access to stores if you forget to pack something you need so do not worry about bringing everything.
Pack a cooler along and keep it stocked with beverages and snacks for travelling
Car supplies a few quarts of motor oil (can buy as you go) windshield washer fluid A scrubber type sponge to clean bugs off the windows. Have your car serviced before you go tires filters wipers oil change and so on.Practise changing a tire to make sure you know you have and can use to required tools.
DUCT tape get item for repairs to many things while camping.
Heavy string or cord to hang clothes from when you have bad weather days.and need to dry it out.
Bring a spirit of adventure and that should complete the list.
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