Me and my mates are eager to camp but we dont want go too far in london for safety reasons, any nearby wild camping site will do aslong as we are allowed to drink alcohol and be loud at night. please provide a link if possible =]
THANKS in advance
Hi, it's me again...
That's how I do it. Camp wild nearly every time. Very rare I stay on a site. Done it on five continents.
Trouble round London is finding somewhere far enough away from civilisation so you can camp out and be noisy without any noise going where you don't want it to go.
There's also light...it goes a long way at night......even a tiny torch will show up two miles away on a dark night.
You won't find links to wild camping sites because there aren't any wild camping sites that are run as such. Wild camping is camping out in the wilds so it isn't on a site. Organised sites mostly don't allow alcohol in tents, only in the campsite bar, and they won't put up with noise at night so that's no good.
In the wilds, you find somewhere, sneak in, set up the tent, cook, drink, have fun, sleep (sometimes), take the tent down and go home or off to another handy bit of woodland or a lonely field with a high hedge.
No site fees, no bookings, and if you're careful, no worries.
There are loads of places in the Chiltern Hills you can hide well enough, or on the North Downs, or out in Essex, thousands of possible places.
It means being OK with map reading...reading the land from a map to look for a place.
Google Earth is useful. Zoom around the countryside looking for likely locations.
On almost every bit of beach and in woodland in UK fires are illegal.
Far out places and proper smoke control maybe you'll get away with it but the fines can be very heavy. A couple of big portables stoves or disposable BBQs would be a better idea but the atmosphere isn't the same sat around a stove with a couple of guitars.
I've camped in nearly every county in UK on beaches, the Purbeck Hills, South Downs, Dartmoor, Exmoor, all sorts, scrimmed up in a small green tent and with fires that are very well controlled.
I was an outdoor instructor in the Army so I can do 'stealth' fires and stay hidden reasonably OK, but every fire sends a signal of sorts either on the wind or by eye. Keeping the signal low is the idea.
That's not the idea with a big fire to sit around with guitars and singing songs.
The woodlands give you loads of firemaking materials but care is needed anywhere you go in UK if you want a fire so my normal advice is...don't bother.
Here's the gaff about fires...for the Peak District but applies all over UK....woodland and moorland anywhere.
The guy on top carries a washing machine tub eh? Hell of a backpack he's got.
There are hundreds of places reachable by public transport.
Have fun, take care, and be brave.
Fortune favours the brave, but not the just plain daft,haha.
Have a think about any place you get to, how to look 'non-camping' if necessary, and how to get out again.
Here are some answers about it for other people....local woods, guy in a car looking for a stopping place overnight, north country one but the tips are the same for everywhere, even in Germany or China.
Intro...applies round London too
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apee_dDbCs8QsrHBZIDVuXpJBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090401125151AASteKR . . . . .
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090920140734AArKzQQ . . . . .
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiGAK5R7Z5fGdz2rws4BvcghBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100622092118AAetFTL&show=7#profile-info-jbpWAyMoaa . . . .
With a car...and hiding it.
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtYG20ncRiK2X0FoyQXLK1QhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100701081903AA9M74r&show=7#profile-info-9ed4972108fd0e1194ba07281ccdaed3aa . . .
Hi, it's me again...
That's how I do it. Camp wild nearly every time. Very rare I stay on a site. Done it on five continents.
Trouble round London is finding somewhere far enough away from civilisation so you can camp out and be noisy without any noise going where you don't want it to go.
There's also light...it goes a long way at night......even a tiny torch will show up two miles away on a dark night.
You won't find links to wild camping sites because there aren't any wild camping sites that are run as such. Wild camping is camping out in the wilds so it isn't on a site. Organised sites mostly don't allow alcohol in tents, only in the campsite bar, and they won't put up with noise at night so that's no good.
In the wilds, you find somewhere, sneak in, set up the tent, cook, drink, have fun, sleep (sometimes), take the tent down and go home or off to another handy bit of woodland or a lonely field with a high hedge.
No site fees, no bookings, and if you're careful, no worries.
There are loads of places in the Chiltern Hills you can hide well enough, or on the North Downs, or out in Essex, thousands of possible places.
It means being OK with map reading...reading the land from a map to look for a place.
Google Earth is useful. Zoom around the countryside looking for likely locations.
On almost every bit of beach and in woodland in UK fires are illegal.
Far out places and proper smoke control maybe you'll get away with it but the fines can be very heavy. A couple of big portables stoves or disposable BBQs would be a better idea but the atmosphere isn't the same sat around a stove with a couple of guitars.
I've camped in nearly every county in UK on beaches, the Purbeck Hills, South Downs, Dartmoor, Exmoor, all sorts, scrimmed up in a small green tent and with fires that are very well controlled.
I was an outdoor instructor in the Army so I can do 'stealth' fires and stay hidden reasonably OK, but every fire sends a signal of sorts either on the wind or by eye. Keeping the signal low is the idea.
That's not the idea with a big fire to sit around with guitars and singing songs.
The woodlands give you loads of firemaking materials but care is needed anywhere you go in UK if you want a fire so my normal advice is...don't bother.
Here's the gaff about fires...for the Peak District but applies all over UK....woodland and moorland anywhere.
The guy on top carries a washing machine tub eh? Hell of a backpack he's got.
There are hundreds of places reachable by public transport.
Have fun, take care, and be brave.
Fortune favours the brave, but not the just plain daft,haha.
Have a think about any place you get to, how to look 'non-camping' if necessary, and how to get out again.
Here are some answers about it for other people....local woods, guy in a car looking for a stopping place overnight, north country one but the tips are the same for everywhere, even in Germany or China.
Intro...applies round London too
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Apee_dDbCs8QsrHBZIDVuXpJBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20090401125151AASteKR . . . . .
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090920140734AArKzQQ . . . . .
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AiGAK5R7Z5fGdz2rws4BvcghBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100622092118AAetFTL&show=7#profile-info-jbpWAyMoaa . . . .
With a car...and hiding it.
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtYG20ncRiK2X0FoyQXLK1QhBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20100701081903AA9M74r&show=7#profile-info-9ed4972108fd0e1194ba07281ccdaed3aa . . .
Camping in New York?!!?

pepto g
a good park where i can bring my tent and set up there for two nights?!!? anywhere in the New york New Jersey area. something that wont cost over 20 dollars. what is the name of the park and whats its location!?!?!?
Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks are great and the terrain is not that bad. Though there are a few spots you can pay to go go (Beaver Pond Campground is one), but it's free to hike and find a place to set up camp. Technically, you are suppose to only camp at or near the various lean-to/shelters, but if you stay out of they way, don't destroy anything, clean up after yourself, you can camp anywhere (stealth). I have found old, non official camp spots within these parks that have fire rings and clearings to pitch a tent. I never had a problem with that.
Also, a little further north, there are the Catskills. As far as I remember, there are lean-to's, but you can camp anywhere as long as you are a certain distance from water sources and below certain heights.
Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks are great and the terrain is not that bad. Though there are a few spots you can pay to go go (Beaver Pond Campground is one), but it's free to hike and find a place to set up camp. Technically, you are suppose to only camp at or near the various lean-to/shelters, but if you stay out of they way, don't destroy anything, clean up after yourself, you can camp anywhere (stealth). I have found old, non official camp spots within these parks that have fire rings and clearings to pitch a tent. I never had a problem with that.
Also, a little further north, there are the Catskills. As far as I remember, there are lean-to's, but you can camp anywhere as long as you are a certain distance from water sources and below certain heights.
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