I feel like a sleeping bag might be to warm, but a pad and sheet might get soaked in the rain
In the summer, car camping, with the ability to bring whatever use a cot get your self up off the ground. You will stay dry your gear will stay dry. Also do the following as well.
When you gotta carry the gear in, find a spot with an ever so slight slope and set your tent on a poly sheet foot print of the tent. Set it correctly no sagging and use the rain fly.Trench around the tent just enough to create a "rain gutter" to drain water away from the tent. Inside the tent use a ground insulation barrier like a thermarest pad and keep your self and your gear away from the walls of the tent. keep the ventilation open as best you can to allow moisture to evaporate away.
In the summer, car camping, with the ability to bring whatever use a cot get your self up off the ground. You will stay dry your gear will stay dry. Also do the following as well.
When you gotta carry the gear in, find a spot with an ever so slight slope and set your tent on a poly sheet foot print of the tent. Set it correctly no sagging and use the rain fly.Trench around the tent just enough to create a "rain gutter" to drain water away from the tent. Inside the tent use a ground insulation barrier like a thermarest pad and keep your self and your gear away from the walls of the tent. keep the ventilation open as best you can to allow moisture to evaporate away.
Summer Camp?

Do any of you guys have cool stories about something that happened to you at a summer camp you went to? Do you have scary stories that you heard or something really fun you did???Post it here cause I wanta hear about it!! Try to tell a scary story too if you can though!!!!
i once went to one in Colorado...we climbed Mt.Sherman and some kid got alititude sickness
i also had to sleep in the tent with someone who kept falling towards me (it was a hill and we were sideways lol)....there was a lot of mountain biking, and colorado is THE place for that
someone got run over by a tractor and had ot be airlifted to a hospital. Oh and a friend was cutting branches for a fire or something, and missed with the machete....which went right into his shin--they had to do some stitching on that one
but it was good! haha
i once went to one in Colorado...we climbed Mt.Sherman and some kid got alititude sickness
i also had to sleep in the tent with someone who kept falling towards me (it was a hill and we were sideways lol)....there was a lot of mountain biking, and colorado is THE place for that
someone got run over by a tractor and had ot be airlifted to a hospital. Oh and a friend was cutting branches for a fire or something, and missed with the machete....which went right into his shin--they had to do some stitching on that one
but it was good! haha
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