kenpachi b
touring Oz for a year, am i able to just pitch up a tent on a beach or in a national park or do i NEED to go to a camp site?
Depends what area you are at..... if you're in or near built up areas like Perth city or some of the smaller towns on the coast the answer is no.... if you go beyond where civilization ends and find a good quiet spot far away from the maddening crowd then yes...Western Australia has a huge amount of undeveloped and generally not visited coastline... particularly up north... have a good look at Google Maps.... there is plenty of forest and scrubland where one can set up camp...quietly....however in most.. if not all... national parks one maybe required to be at designated campsites... even to the point of paying a small fee..... during FIRE BAN season fires... including portable gas stoves.. are not permitted... if at any other time one needs an open fire then the rule is to dig a pit approx. 30 cm ( 1 foot ) deep and have a cleared area... including twigs & leaves... of about 4 metres ( 12 feet ) in diameter.... once finished bury the coals after dowsing with water.... a toilet pit is used to bury faeces... not within 100 feet (30 metres ) of any waterway.... most towns have a caravan park where a tent can be pitched for a small fee... this includes use of shower & toilets & laundry & maybe a communal BBQ area....
CAMPSITES..... Click here >>> http://www.google.com.au/#q=campsites%20in%20Western%20Australia&fp=1&cad=b&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb
CARAVAN PARKS.... click here >>> http://www.google.com.au/#q=caravan%20parks%20in%20western%20australia&fp=1&cad=b&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb
.... good luck.... enjoy....
Depends what area you are at..... if you're in or near built up areas like Perth city or some of the smaller towns on the coast the answer is no.... if you go beyond where civilization ends and find a good quiet spot far away from the maddening crowd then yes...Western Australia has a huge amount of undeveloped and generally not visited coastline... particularly up north... have a good look at Google Maps.... there is plenty of forest and scrubland where one can set up camp...quietly....however in most.. if not all... national parks one maybe required to be at designated campsites... even to the point of paying a small fee..... during FIRE BAN season fires... including portable gas stoves.. are not permitted... if at any other time one needs an open fire then the rule is to dig a pit approx. 30 cm ( 1 foot ) deep and have a cleared area... including twigs & leaves... of about 4 metres ( 12 feet ) in diameter.... once finished bury the coals after dowsing with water.... a toilet pit is used to bury faeces... not within 100 feet (30 metres ) of any waterway.... most towns have a caravan park where a tent can be pitched for a small fee... this includes use of shower & toilets & laundry & maybe a communal BBQ area....
CAMPSITES..... Click here >>> http://www.google.com.au/#q=campsites%20in%20Western%20Australia&fp=1&cad=b&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb
CARAVAN PARKS.... click here >>> http://www.google.com.au/#q=caravan%20parks%20in%20western%20australia&fp=1&cad=b&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb
.... good luck.... enjoy....
Perth how much for Camping in or around the area?

Hej, so we are off to Perth for the summer and we're not expecting to get a place to stay due to the housing problem so we might just camp for a while as a last resort or plan C if you like, plan A would be an apartment ANYWHERE close'ish to the city, plan B is to share a place with some older people, w'ere in are mid 30 so we want somewhere fairly quiet but I have a feeling we are going to have to be there to secure a place or room etc. So how much are the camp sites to put up a tent for a week or 2.
Appreciate any info.
not to bad then I assume there will be plenty of room all year round.
BIG4 Perth International Tourist Park - http://www.perthinternational.com.au - (08) 9453 6677 -
Coogee Beach Holiday Park (Aspen Parks) - http://www.aspenparks.com.au - (08) 9418 1810 -
Woodman Point Holiday Park (Aspen Parks) - http://www.aspenparks.com.au - (08) 9434 1433
BIG4 Perth International Tourist Park - http://www.perthinternational.com.au - (08) 9453 6677 -
Coogee Beach Holiday Park (Aspen Parks) - http://www.aspenparks.com.au - (08) 9418 1810 -
Woodman Point Holiday Park (Aspen Parks) - http://www.aspenparks.com.au - (08) 9434 1433
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