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I love winter camping. I started as a kid in MN winter camping with an outdoor adventure class. That turned me and a few friends on to winter camping. Although tents are the way to go, there is a lot to be said for packing a sleeping back and a big leaf bag to put over your sleeping bag and digging yourself into a snow bank for insulation in your bags feet first. You would be amazed how wonderful the warmth of the bag contrasts with the cool air on your face.
I did this for the whole winter between junior and senior year of H.S. I woke up with bunnies and fox staring at me closer than you would ever see them normally. The Northern lights when visible outside with nothing over your head is also a sight you will never get over. The stars alone if you are away from city lights are phenomenal.
Nothing like falling to sleep watching a campfire burn down to ashes, the night sounds and fresh air. It is an experience everyone should have and cherish once in their lives. No. 1 important factor of winter camping is keeping your gear dry and hands and feet warm.
I love winter camping. I started as a kid in MN winter camping with an outdoor adventure class. That turned me and a few friends on to winter camping. Although tents are the way to go, there is a lot to be said for packing a sleeping back and a big leaf bag to put over your sleeping bag and digging yourself into a snow bank for insulation in your bags feet first. You would be amazed how wonderful the warmth of the bag contrasts with the cool air on your face.
I did this for the whole winter between junior and senior year of H.S. I woke up with bunnies and fox staring at me closer than you would ever see them normally. The Northern lights when visible outside with nothing over your head is also a sight you will never get over. The stars alone if you are away from city lights are phenomenal.
Nothing like falling to sleep watching a campfire burn down to ashes, the night sounds and fresh air. It is an experience everyone should have and cherish once in their lives. No. 1 important factor of winter camping is keeping your gear dry and hands and feet warm.
where can you rent camping tents in st. paul minnesota.?

where can you rent camping tents in st. paul minnesota. needs to be big enough for 12 + teen girls
1955 County Rd B2 W
Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 635-0211
6.52 mi. from St. PaulHours, directions, events and more.
12 girls won't fit in one camping tent. I believe REI rents 5 or 6 man family style tents, at least where I live. So you might have to rent two.
1955 County Rd B2 W
Roseville, MN 55113
(651) 635-0211
6.52 mi. from St. PaulHours, directions, events and more.
12 girls won't fit in one camping tent. I believe REI rents 5 or 6 man family style tents, at least where I live. So you might have to rent two.
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