anyone know of a good spray to condition a nylon tent? they have the store bought stuff which is expensive. any home made ideas or alternatives to save a buck? i have a northwest territory dome tent and want to take care of it, thanks for any ideas
Hi Mike, Mountain Man has the best idea of setting up your tent in your yard when you're expecting bad weather. Closely examine the inside of the tent for any leaks or potential problem areas after a good rain and sealing those areas is the best thing to do before you get water logged on an outing. After using your tent, always store it completely dry. Even if it means setting it up inside your house and garage after you get back home to make sure it's really totally dried out. Get or make a tarp to put underneath your tent. This will not only keep it a bit drier but will give you a little insulation value as well.
Hi Mike, Mountain Man has the best idea of setting up your tent in your yard when you're expecting bad weather. Closely examine the inside of the tent for any leaks or potential problem areas after a good rain and sealing those areas is the best thing to do before you get water logged on an outing. After using your tent, always store it completely dry. Even if it means setting it up inside your house and garage after you get back home to make sure it's really totally dried out. Get or make a tarp to put underneath your tent. This will not only keep it a bit drier but will give you a little insulation value as well.
First camping trip, please help :)?

Hi, i am planning a camping trip in the summer for my family. We are wanting to camp in a tent at a campsite and bring our own BBQ.
Now, this will be my first actual camping trip, as we usually go abroad, but as money is so tight at the moment we decided to holiday in the UK.
We will be taking our car, but obviously we will not want to store all our belongings in the tent for the whole week.
Are there locks for tents, so no one can steal our clothes whilst we are out during the day?
If anyone has any tips for camping with a young family can you tell me :)
I wouldn't waste your time locking the tent. First off I have never had anything stolen from my tent and none of my friends or family ever had anything stolen when camping.
The lock will just catch a persons attention, if you lock it they know there is something in there of value and will just cut through the tent to get to it, it wont deter them at all. A ripped tent isn't worth putting a lock on the tent to save your clothes, unless there is a homeless man looking for clothes I don't think you will be bothered. Just keep your tent zipped shut. If you are that worried about it have someone in the campsite at all times.
As for the young kids keep it interesting and fun for them but don't push them too hard or long if you decide to go for a hike. Let them play in the ponds, catch frogs/turtles/ salamanders, let them run through puddles, play in the rain; all stuff they normally cant do when they are home.Let them be kids. Get them interested in fishing if there is a lake or river near by. Go on a nature hike and try to spot animals. Have them build the campfire, stacking wood and such so you can light it, let them feel they had a part in creating that. Teach them how to start a fire. Let them pee behind trees. Just let them be kids and they`ll have a blast.
I wouldn't waste your time locking the tent. First off I have never had anything stolen from my tent and none of my friends or family ever had anything stolen when camping.
The lock will just catch a persons attention, if you lock it they know there is something in there of value and will just cut through the tent to get to it, it wont deter them at all. A ripped tent isn't worth putting a lock on the tent to save your clothes, unless there is a homeless man looking for clothes I don't think you will be bothered. Just keep your tent zipped shut. If you are that worried about it have someone in the campsite at all times.
As for the young kids keep it interesting and fun for them but don't push them too hard or long if you decide to go for a hike. Let them play in the ponds, catch frogs/turtles/ salamanders, let them run through puddles, play in the rain; all stuff they normally cant do when they are home.Let them be kids. Get them interested in fishing if there is a lake or river near by. Go on a nature hike and try to spot animals. Have them build the campfire, stacking wood and such so you can light it, let them feel they had a part in creating that. Teach them how to start a fire. Let them pee behind trees. Just let them be kids and they`ll have a blast.
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