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I am not new at tent camping but I am lost on how to secure the rain fly on my new tent. There are no hooks or really anything on the rope to secure it to anything. There's the rain fly, rope attached to it then it drapes down. What do I attach it to? There is a small black plastic piece that the rope lopes through twice at the end. I tried attaching that to a stake but it comes right out. PLEASE HELP!
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In the old days, a taut-line hitch was used to tie-down lines to a tent.
TAUT LINE HITCHThis is another of the camping knots we use most frequently. It is an adjustable knot, meaning you can adjust the tension of your rope that is attached between two objects, when you use this knot. You use this knot when it is important for the line to be pulled taut if it should sag. Some of the ways we this knot are for the guy lines on our dining fly, when putting a tarp over our tent as a rain fly, and for putting up a clothesline. Since it is a hitch as opposed to a knot, some will say you cannot use this hitch for the guy lines as it must be tied to a pole or rigid structure. We use this for our dining fly and rain flys all the time, tying it directly to the rope itself, and it has served us well for many years.
BOWLINE KNOTAnother basic camping knot, the bowline knot makes a loop with a knot that does not slip or jam when under tension. If you want a loop that does not get tighter and tighter, but will not loosen under a load, this is a good one. Use it to secure a line around an object, such as a tree (such as for one side of a clothesline..then use the taut line hitch for the other side so you can adjust the line and it will not sag). We also use it to secure the rope to the anchor and the thwarts on the canoe when we are canoeing.
Coleman has a contact at the bottom of the Weathermaster description page.
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Monday - Thursday CST
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12:30pm - 4:45pm
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In the old days, a taut-line hitch was used to tie-down lines to a tent.
TAUT LINE HITCHThis is another of the camping knots we use most frequently. It is an adjustable knot, meaning you can adjust the tension of your rope that is attached between two objects, when you use this knot. You use this knot when it is important for the line to be pulled taut if it should sag. Some of the ways we this knot are for the guy lines on our dining fly, when putting a tarp over our tent as a rain fly, and for putting up a clothesline. Since it is a hitch as opposed to a knot, some will say you cannot use this hitch for the guy lines as it must be tied to a pole or rigid structure. We use this for our dining fly and rain flys all the time, tying it directly to the rope itself, and it has served us well for many years.
BOWLINE KNOTAnother basic camping knot, the bowline knot makes a loop with a knot that does not slip or jam when under tension. If you want a loop that does not get tighter and tighter, but will not loosen under a load, this is a good one. Use it to secure a line around an object, such as a tree (such as for one side of a clothesline..then use the taut line hitch for the other side so you can adjust the line and it will not sag). We also use it to secure the rope to the anchor and the thwarts on the canoe when we are canoeing.
How to choose a right camping tent?

We will plan to have a family camping next month, our last camping tent is broken, we have to get a new one. I don't want to have another failer unsuccessful purchase. Four people will sleep in the camping tent and we won't camp in winter. Is there someone can give us some wonderful suggetions? Thank you very much!
Go with a coleman instatent best family tent there is
Go with a coleman instatent best family tent there is
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