best tent camping east tennessee image

Animal Lov
Could somebody tell me and give me a link to there site some good Camp Grounds I don't want this: set up your tent here and play on the play grounds I want to be in the deep woods.
Man dont listen to the ones who leave rude answers. Tennessee is a beautiful place with lots of great places for hiking and camping. I like the Savage Gulf area, and the fiery gizzard trail. If your looking for a challenge then the Alum Cave trail is a great place. You can also hike up Mt. Laconte in the Smoky Mountains and stay up there over night or weekend. Its not tent camping but they have no electricity and bring all thier supplies up by mules. Sometimes the Natural areas in Tennessee are some of the best places to see. Also lots of people have private camp areas that you can call. There are some in east Tennessee. Just search the net for private camp areas. Theres nothing quite like the Smokys though. The smell of the mountains. The beautiful mountain streams. Im sure you wont have any problem finding a place in East or Middle TN that's camp worthy. West Tennessee doesnt offer that much camping. Good Luck!
Man dont listen to the ones who leave rude answers. Tennessee is a beautiful place with lots of great places for hiking and camping. I like the Savage Gulf area, and the fiery gizzard trail. If your looking for a challenge then the Alum Cave trail is a great place. You can also hike up Mt. Laconte in the Smoky Mountains and stay up there over night or weekend. Its not tent camping but they have no electricity and bring all thier supplies up by mules. Sometimes the Natural areas in Tennessee are some of the best places to see. Also lots of people have private camp areas that you can call. There are some in east Tennessee. Just search the net for private camp areas. Theres nothing quite like the Smokys though. The smell of the mountains. The beautiful mountain streams. Im sure you wont have any problem finding a place in East or Middle TN that's camp worthy. West Tennessee doesnt offer that much camping. Good Luck!
how to go on a graduation road trip for cheap?

i'm planning a road trip for my senior trip. it will be with 4 -6 total in the group. i want to last about 2-3 weeks. not sure how to pull it off for cheap. i live in Louisiana and am planning on driving through Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi then returning home. not sure exactly what to see and do and we're planning on staying in tent at national camp sites if possible. any suggestions and help would be much appreciated
Planning on a 2-3 week road trip and covering 11 states seems to be a bit overwhelming. I'd try to narrow the trip down and either head toward Texas, New Mexico and Colorado or head east toward Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. For me, I'd even narrow it down and just make the trip to Colorado. There is a lot to see in that state. Even with living in campgrounds, you'll be too tired driving or even see the sites and you gas bill would be out of sight, Pick just a few states and relax. Narrow down the list of states, check with your friends and find out what they would like to see. Look on he Internet and also in state guides for information of historic sites, parks, etc. Your trip will probably be in Summer, so traveling in the Texas area might be pretty hot.
To save money on your trip, a camp site is a good idea. Also, so not forget to carry perishable foods in an ice chest and cook most of your own meals. Eating out can obviously be expensive. Some national park camp sites might be crowded especially during the summer months. When you decide what states you will visit, make reservations or bring a campsite directory for the state you will be visiting. You can often fine books like this in any large bookstore. It goes without saying that give your car a good checkup-maintenance, carry spare water and oil and check the inflation on your tires. Also bring a camera or two. Have fun.
Planning on a 2-3 week road trip and covering 11 states seems to be a bit overwhelming. I'd try to narrow the trip down and either head toward Texas, New Mexico and Colorado or head east toward Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. For me, I'd even narrow it down and just make the trip to Colorado. There is a lot to see in that state. Even with living in campgrounds, you'll be too tired driving or even see the sites and you gas bill would be out of sight, Pick just a few states and relax. Narrow down the list of states, check with your friends and find out what they would like to see. Look on he Internet and also in state guides for information of historic sites, parks, etc. Your trip will probably be in Summer, so traveling in the Texas area might be pretty hot.
To save money on your trip, a camp site is a good idea. Also, so not forget to carry perishable foods in an ice chest and cook most of your own meals. Eating out can obviously be expensive. Some national park camp sites might be crowded especially during the summer months. When you decide what states you will visit, make reservations or bring a campsite directory for the state you will be visiting. You can often fine books like this in any large bookstore. It goes without saying that give your car a good checkup-maintenance, carry spare water and oil and check the inflation on your tires. Also bring a camera or two. Have fun.
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