best tents for family camping 2010 image

Nicole Ric
How can i get to sleep im too excited?
Hi im 13. Im going camping tomorrow for the first time with my aunt, uncle, two cousins (Shelby and Dana) and my cousins 3 cousins (Haylee, Marie and Zoey) (who ive known since i was 2) theyre my friends. Now my cousins are 4 and 2. Haylee is 10 Marie is 8 and Zoey is 6. We are sleeping in a camper. In this camper it includes 2 beds on each side with screens (no window) and a stove and a fold out table and sink with air conditioning (THATS IT). You go to the woods to pee/poop and you dont take a bath. Our camper looks like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/family/personal-style-sacrificed-at-the-altar-of-family/attachment/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1/&usg=__GqUNePw5qT7x2TTNdc4UBufakCs=&h=600&w=800&sz=197&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=luxcNeP1f11XcM:&tbnh=148&tbnw=197&ei=XQAETtaAEILn0QGI1O3nCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtent%2Btrailer%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1317%26bih%3D602%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=135&vpy=293&dur=218&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=181&ty=225&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1317&bih=602
My aunt went before with 12 people they all fitted on one side she said. Now we go hikinh, swimming, go in a creek, playground, golfing, campfie. They said NO TELLING STORIES SCARY ONES, NO SWEARING, NO TALKNG ABOUT SEX. Im the oldest KID there. My aunt uncle and cousins get one side. Me Haylee, Marie and Zoey get the other. Im really excited but we go to bed at 11pm THEY SNORE. I CANT sleep with snorers! They said thats the only place i can sleep. What can i talk to them about? Im also bringing my phone and i sleep with pictures of a person i like should i bring those (theres 14 of them)? HELP? im at my aunts right now btw. were gettinhg up at 6am and its 11:20pm now
no offense, but I'm honestly just wondering why there was the need to post ALL the information about camping on here... unless of course you just wanted to tell people, and then I tottally get it:)
no offense, but I'm honestly just wondering why there was the need to post ALL the information about camping on here... unless of course you just wanted to tell people, and then I tottally get it:)
How can i get to sleep im too excited?

Nicole Ric
Hi im 13. Im going camping tomorrow for the first time with my aunt, uncle, two cousins (Shelby and Dana) and my cousins 3 cousins (Haylee, Marie and Zoey) (who ive known since i was 2) theyre my friends. Now my cousins are 4 and 2. Haylee is 10 Marie is 8 and Zoey is 6. We are sleeping in a camper. In this camper it includes 2 beds on each side with screens (no window) and a stove and a fold out table and sink with air conditioning (THATS IT). You go to the woods to pee/poop and you dont take a bath. Our camper looks like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/family/personal-style-sacrificed-at-the-altar-of-family/attachment/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1/&usg=__GqUNePw5qT7x2TTNdc4UBufakCs=&h=600&w=800&sz=197&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=luxcNeP1f11XcM:&tbnh=148&tbnw=197&ei=XQAETtaAEILn0QGI1O3nCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtent%2Btrailer%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1317%26bih%3D602%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=135&vpy=293&dur=218&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=181&ty=225&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1317&bih=602
My aunt went before with 12 people they all fitted on one side she said. Now we go hikinh, swimming, go in a creek, playground, golfing, campfie. They said NO TELLING STORIES SCARY ONES, NO SWEARING, NO TALKNG ABOUT SEX. Im the oldest KID there. My aunt uncle and cousins get one side. Me Haylee, Marie and Zoey get the other. Im really excited but we go to bed at 11pm THEY SNORE. I CANT sleep with snorers! They said thats the only place i can sleep. What can i talk to them about? Im also bringing my phone and i sleep with pictures of a person i like should i bring those (theres 14 of them)? HELP? im at my aunts right now btw. were gettinhg up at 6am and its 11:20pm now
Hey Nicole. I used to take my two nieces, and our granddaughter camping in our trailer with us. Now they are grown up, and I miss those times we had together terribly. You will be with people who love you, who want you to have fun, and will do anything to make sure your time with them is fun, and nothing but.
I know it's hard to sleep near people who snore, but you could try asking for them to bring along a tent so you can sleep away from them. Or you can try to relax and enjoy the experience and whatever it brings.
I hope you enjoy your camping trip, and no matter what, remember that it's only temporary. The hard times won't last, and neither will the good ones.
Have a great time! :-)
Hey Nicole. I used to take my two nieces, and our granddaughter camping in our trailer with us. Now they are grown up, and I miss those times we had together terribly. You will be with people who love you, who want you to have fun, and will do anything to make sure your time with them is fun, and nothing but.
I know it's hard to sleep near people who snore, but you could try asking for them to bring along a tent so you can sleep away from them. Or you can try to relax and enjoy the experience and whatever it brings.
I hope you enjoy your camping trip, and no matter what, remember that it's only temporary. The hard times won't last, and neither will the good ones.
Have a great time! :-)
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