best tent camping heater image

We are going camping at the end of october, which can get very cold at night. our site for the first time does not have electric to hook up a small heater. what can i get to stay warm?
Thank you everyone!!!! I might even be hot at night!!!
Have a good sleeping bag. I don't know about where you are camping but a 20 degree bag (sleeping bags are rated by temperature comfort levels) should help keep you warm. Also - lay on a sleeping pad (either a closed cell pad or a thermarest) - the pad will insulate you from the ground, which can rob you of your heat 9even in a tent). And finally, wear a hat at night, like a stocking cap. A lot of body heat is lost through the head and covering it up will help you stay warm.
Have a good sleeping bag. I don't know about where you are camping but a 20 degree bag (sleeping bags are rated by temperature comfort levels) should help keep you warm. Also - lay on a sleeping pad (either a closed cell pad or a thermarest) - the pad will insulate you from the ground, which can rob you of your heat 9even in a tent). And finally, wear a hat at night, like a stocking cap. A lot of body heat is lost through the head and covering it up will help you stay warm.
Do kerosene heaters produce low or high levels of carbon monoxide?

If you're running a kerosene heater in a trailer and you have the window cracked a half an inch and you begin to get a bad headache and feel kinda spacey, is that carbon monoxide poisoning even though the window is cracked to allow ventilation?
That's not good. I was camping one time and a lady had a kerosene heater in a tent about 20 yards from me. She died that night. They vent the exaust right into your breathing air. Not a good idea. Who wants a window open while they are trying to heat their home anyway. Better safe then sorry right?
That's not good. I was camping one time and a lady had a kerosene heater in a tent about 20 yards from me. She died that night. They vent the exaust right into your breathing air. Not a good idea. Who wants a window open while they are trying to heat their home anyway. Better safe then sorry right?
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