best tent for bike camping image

Hi everyone.
I am planning to have a bike tour from Chicago to NY this summer. So I need to find few camping light-weight camping gears. Basically I need.
1 pot
1 gasoline stove
1 tent (3 season for 1 person)
1 sleeping bag
all of those around $ 120~160
I figured I can shop them in one spot and save some shipping cost.
I do not care whether they are used or new but I want to keep them cheap yet reliable. Is there any store that offers a reliable bargain?
Go to www.sportsmanguide.com they have a lot of stuff at really low prices. I got a really good deal on a treadmill saved almost $50 after comparing prices to other stores. Don't forget where ever you buy from, always do a google search for coupon codes for discounts. Xbargins always has the most updated codes.
Go to www.sportsmanguide.com they have a lot of stuff at really low prices. I got a really good deal on a treadmill saved almost $50 after comparing prices to other stores. Don't forget where ever you buy from, always do a google search for coupon codes for discounts. Xbargins always has the most updated codes.
How long does it take to bike from Quebec city to Montreal?

The distance between the two is 226 kms. Can the trip be made in two days, given that we train before-hand? Should we invest in saddle bags so we do not tire ourselves out with the weight of our stuff on our backs? We would need to bring clothes, sleeping bags and a small tent.
We aren't traveling city centre to city centre, but we will be traveling on the roads that connect the two cities. We plan to make our way down the north side of the Saint Lawrence until we reach Trois-Riveres, then we will continue down the south side.
I've ridden from Ottawa to Montreal (about 220 km) in one day, so 2 days should be quite possible for QC to Montreal.
That said, the actual distance will vary with your route and start/stop point, but may be greater than the 226 km you suggest, traveling with gear will be slower and more tiring than on a bare bike, you may be fighting significant headwinds along the river, and if loaded touring more than about 100-125 km in one day can be tough (Many riders plan on more like 80-100)..
I've done 'credit card touring" for 3-4 day trips of up to 150 km/day with just what I could carry in a handlebar pack and on a rear rack (Today, I'd use a rack pack), so depending on how much gear you plan to take you may not need to invest in panniers (See 1st link for some choices). If it were me, I'd consider what panniers (or other equipment) cost and unless I planned to tour regularly I'd suggest that a night in a motel would be less expensive (and allow for much lighter and faster riding).
If you do decide to camp consider what you REALLY need. Going without a tent (e.g. using a hammock with waterproof cover and netting or a bivy sack) can cut weight, and while more expensive than panniers initially can be used in all types of outdoor trips (canoeing, hiking, cycling).
Don't ever plan to do a trip of any length carrying a backpack (except maybe a hydration pack) ... it's just too uncomfortable.
See the 2nd link for maps and suggestions re route.
I've ridden from Ottawa to Montreal (about 220 km) in one day, so 2 days should be quite possible for QC to Montreal.
That said, the actual distance will vary with your route and start/stop point, but may be greater than the 226 km you suggest, traveling with gear will be slower and more tiring than on a bare bike, you may be fighting significant headwinds along the river, and if loaded touring more than about 100-125 km in one day can be tough (Many riders plan on more like 80-100)..
I've done 'credit card touring" for 3-4 day trips of up to 150 km/day with just what I could carry in a handlebar pack and on a rear rack (Today, I'd use a rack pack), so depending on how much gear you plan to take you may not need to invest in panniers (See 1st link for some choices). If it were me, I'd consider what panniers (or other equipment) cost and unless I planned to tour regularly I'd suggest that a night in a motel would be less expensive (and allow for much lighter and faster riding).
If you do decide to camp consider what you REALLY need. Going without a tent (e.g. using a hammock with waterproof cover and netting or a bivy sack) can cut weight, and while more expensive than panniers initially can be used in all types of outdoor trips (canoeing, hiking, cycling).
Don't ever plan to do a trip of any length carrying a backpack (except maybe a hydration pack) ... it's just too uncomfortable.
See the 2nd link for maps and suggestions re route.
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