best tent camping great smoky mountains image

Does anyone know of any good weekend long hiking trails in Tennessee? I'm from South Carolina and me and my fiance are looking to go hiking. I'm an avid camper and I like to camp primitive (tent and self brought supplies). I'm looking for something moderate in regards to difficulty, with good views and nice camping spots along rivers or wooded areas, that are fairly secluded. Any information would be great. Thanks! Paid or free, doesn't matter to me.
Cherokee National Forest butts up next to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Both of these Federal lands offer plenty of opportunities for camping, backpacking, and hiking. Cherokee National Forest will have some developed campsites with water, electric, and flush toilets/showers, which the national park will not have. There is also Frozen Head State Park-Nature Area located west of Knoxville trhat offers a lot of back country camping and hiking. I would try "googling" these and see what comes up. Eastern Tennessee is perhaps one of the foremost spots in the Southeastern U.S. for those seeking high adventure.
Cherokee National Forest butts up next to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Both of these Federal lands offer plenty of opportunities for camping, backpacking, and hiking. Cherokee National Forest will have some developed campsites with water, electric, and flush toilets/showers, which the national park will not have. There is also Frozen Head State Park-Nature Area located west of Knoxville trhat offers a lot of back country camping and hiking. I would try "googling" these and see what comes up. Eastern Tennessee is perhaps one of the foremost spots in the Southeastern U.S. for those seeking high adventure.
I want to go Camping in the deep woods of Tennessee?

Animal Lov
Could somebody tell me and give me a link to there site some good Camp Grounds I don't want this: set up your tent here and play on the play grounds I want to be in the deep woods.
Man dont listen to the ones who leave rude answers. Tennessee is a beautiful place with lots of great places for hiking and camping. I like the Savage Gulf area, and the fiery gizzard trail. If your looking for a challenge then the Alum Cave trail is a great place. You can also hike up Mt. Laconte in the Smoky Mountains and stay up there over night or weekend. Its not tent camping but they have no electricity and bring all thier supplies up by mules. Sometimes the Natural areas in Tennessee are some of the best places to see. Also lots of people have private camp areas that you can call. There are some in east Tennessee. Just search the net for private camp areas. Theres nothing quite like the Smokys though. The smell of the mountains. The beautiful mountain streams. Im sure you wont have any problem finding a place in East or Middle TN that's camp worthy. West Tennessee doesnt offer that much camping. Good Luck!
Man dont listen to the ones who leave rude answers. Tennessee is a beautiful place with lots of great places for hiking and camping. I like the Savage Gulf area, and the fiery gizzard trail. If your looking for a challenge then the Alum Cave trail is a great place. You can also hike up Mt. Laconte in the Smoky Mountains and stay up there over night or weekend. Its not tent camping but they have no electricity and bring all thier supplies up by mules. Sometimes the Natural areas in Tennessee are some of the best places to see. Also lots of people have private camp areas that you can call. There are some in east Tennessee. Just search the net for private camp areas. Theres nothing quite like the Smokys though. The smell of the mountains. The beautiful mountain streams. Im sure you wont have any problem finding a place in East or Middle TN that's camp worthy. West Tennessee doesnt offer that much camping. Good Luck!
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