best tents for family camping 2010 image

done some things to me that are not normal and i know they aren't, he told me he loved me and I even told him the same, but he has done so much to me that's crazy , I have tried to walk away from him and to tell him that its not working, but as soon as I try to walk away he starts throwing stuff in my face that we shared together. I sent him pictures and he sent me pictures we talked about personal things together and he claims he loves me but he is so emotional abusive. I cant get away from him. without even discussing it with me he quit his lawn mowing business and moved in with his mom and i had no idea he was going to do that and now he is blaming me because he quit and he had the nerve to blame me for the factory job he is now working at. I have given him so many chances. he has blown them all, he seems to be controlling. I went on a camping trip with my family, they had never met him and hew showed up jumped out of his car and jumped down my throat in front of my family, yelling at me about how he drove nine hours to come here and he couldn't put his tent by mine and he flipped out, that was embarrassing. the second time i went to the movies with him and got mad at me and stored down the staris like a little kid because i didn't want to hold his had, we just met in person, so i didn't feel comfortable with it yet. I don't think i will ever have a normal life because he wont leave me alone, I cant tell him anything personal cause he holds it over my head. If someone has been in this kind of trap please let me know how you got out of it. This man will be 40 in April and he acts like a child, tells me he loves me in one sentenca and tried to emotionaly blackmail me in the other. Help!!
He is insecure about the relationship because he knows you could leave him, so he uses blackmail so you feel obligated to stay with him. As long as you have this guy in your life, things will never be easy for you. If you guys get into a fight or something he is going to continue to bring up things you showed him or things you told him as blackmail. He is trying to control you. If you have been with this guy for a long time, you might care about him but you have to realize people like him don't change. I went through the same thing. It was hard when I tried to get out of it, because I ended up loosing my friends over a controlling bf. I finally had to walk away, and at first he started to blackmail me and tell people some of the personal things I told him. It was really hard, I cried a lot because he would always blackmail me and say hurtful things so I could try and go back to him, but I didn't. It was hard to start over, and make all new friends in my late 20's but I did it. Leaving him was the best choice I ever made, I am in control of my own life and have my own freedom, not him controlling who i can and can't talk to and him trying to put me down emotionally. I hope you can see you the potential you have in life, you deserve to be with someone who won't be emotionally abusive and you need to be happy (instead of feeling force to stay with someone.) Good luck with whatever choice you make!!
He is insecure about the relationship because he knows you could leave him, so he uses blackmail so you feel obligated to stay with him. As long as you have this guy in your life, things will never be easy for you. If you guys get into a fight or something he is going to continue to bring up things you showed him or things you told him as blackmail. He is trying to control you. If you have been with this guy for a long time, you might care about him but you have to realize people like him don't change. I went through the same thing. It was hard when I tried to get out of it, because I ended up loosing my friends over a controlling bf. I finally had to walk away, and at first he started to blackmail me and tell people some of the personal things I told him. It was really hard, I cried a lot because he would always blackmail me and say hurtful things so I could try and go back to him, but I didn't. It was hard to start over, and make all new friends in my late 20's but I did it. Leaving him was the best choice I ever made, I am in control of my own life and have my own freedom, not him controlling who i can and can't talk to and him trying to put me down emotionally. I hope you can see you the potential you have in life, you deserve to be with someone who won't be emotionally abusive and you need to be happy (instead of feeling force to stay with someone.) Good luck with whatever choice you make!!
How can i get to sleep im too excited?

Nicole Ric
How can i get to sleep im too excited?
Hi im 13. Im going camping tomorrow for the first time with my aunt, uncle, two cousins (Shelby and Dana) and my cousins 3 cousins (Haylee, Marie and Zoey) (who ive known since i was 2) theyre my friends. Now my cousins are 4 and 2. Haylee is 10 Marie is 8 and Zoey is 6. We are sleeping in a camper. In this camper it includes 2 beds on each side with screens (no window) and a stove and a fold out table and sink with air conditioning (THATS IT). You go to the woods to pee/poop and you dont take a bath. Our camper looks like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.julieharrison.ca/family/personal-style-sacrificed-at-the-altar-of-family/attachment/a_view_of_our_tent_trailer1/&usg=__GqUNePw5qT7x2TTNdc4UBufakCs=&h=600&w=800&sz=197&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=luxcNeP1f11XcM:&tbnh=148&tbnw=197&ei=XQAETtaAEILn0QGI1O3nCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dtent%2Btrailer%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1317%26bih%3D602%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=135&vpy=293&dur=218&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=181&ty=225&page=1&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1317&bih=602
My aunt went before with 12 people they all fitted on one side she said. Now we go hikinh, swimming, go in a creek, playground, golfing, campfie. They said NO TELLING STORIES SCARY ONES, NO SWEARING, NO TALKNG ABOUT SEX. Im the oldest KID there. My aunt uncle and cousins get one side. Me Haylee, Marie and Zoey get the other. Im really excited but we go to bed at 11pm THEY SNORE. I CANT sleep with snorers! They said thats the only place i can sleep. What can i talk to them about? Im also bringing my phone and i sleep with pictures of a person i like should i bring those (theres 14 of them)? HELP? im at my aunts right now btw. were gettinhg up at 6am and its 11:20pm now
no offense, but I'm honestly just wondering why there was the need to post ALL the information about camping on here... unless of course you just wanted to tell people, and then I tottally get it:)
no offense, but I'm honestly just wondering why there was the need to post ALL the information about camping on here... unless of course you just wanted to tell people, and then I tottally get it:)
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