best tent camping door county image

Now that it's summer vacation I'm having a hard time thinking of stuff to do with the older children that the two little ones can enjoy as well. I'll be by myself (husband working) most days with 4 kids ages 11, 10, 2 and 4 months. We can't just stay home all the time or we'll all go crazy. I have the two older kids going to camp a few times a week but on the days they're not at camp I need some ideas that would be enjoyable for us all. We live by the ocean but I'm fearful of having the toddler and the baby by myself at the beach, same thing with the pool.
- i know by me there's a county zoo that's donation based, zoo's are good for all ages.
- google your town, county or state recreation and parks department and see if they have anything interesting, you'll at least find a few places to have a picnic or throw a ball around.
- go buy a $10 water game (slip and slide is still a surprising hit)
- check out Pinterest, there are so many crafty ideas posted, including my favorite one - http://www.curbly.com/users/diy-maven/posts/11380-how-to-make-glow-stick-lanterns
- break out the old school! my kids and I LOVE playing my original NES - sometimes they prefer it over the Wii and get just as excited about it as i did when i was their age. i'm sure there's something from your past you loved doing that they would love just as much.
- water balloons work for about 15 minutes, however, clean up of broken water balloons all over your yard lasts at least 30. ;) chalk a target on your garage door or side of the house to make it more fun.
- your kids wont like it, but i'm sure there's SOMETHING that needs to be reorganized. IDK about you but with my older girls that's an all day project i end with a glass of wine, but I at least feel accomplished when i look at it the next day.
- i know you're fearful of going to the beach with the 2 little ones, but keep in mind you have 2 older ones (god sents) that are capable of helping you carry stuff or the second eye if you need to get lunch ready and stuff. make sure they get a special thank you for helping out. :)
- sleepovers, play dates, the availability for "traditional weekend plans" just opened up to "any day" plans. dont forget the tent making in the living room!
- speaking of tents, throw one in the back yard and let the older ones sleep out there for a night.
either way, you'll def be outdoors so grab yourself the port-a-crib and a bug net to go over it and let the little guy hang out. Good luck!!
- i know by me there's a county zoo that's donation based, zoo's are good for all ages.
- google your town, county or state recreation and parks department and see if they have anything interesting, you'll at least find a few places to have a picnic or throw a ball around.
- go buy a $10 water game (slip and slide is still a surprising hit)
- check out Pinterest, there are so many crafty ideas posted, including my favorite one - http://www.curbly.com/users/diy-maven/posts/11380-how-to-make-glow-stick-lanterns
- break out the old school! my kids and I LOVE playing my original NES - sometimes they prefer it over the Wii and get just as excited about it as i did when i was their age. i'm sure there's something from your past you loved doing that they would love just as much.
- water balloons work for about 15 minutes, however, clean up of broken water balloons all over your yard lasts at least 30. ;) chalk a target on your garage door or side of the house to make it more fun.
- your kids wont like it, but i'm sure there's SOMETHING that needs to be reorganized. IDK about you but with my older girls that's an all day project i end with a glass of wine, but I at least feel accomplished when i look at it the next day.
- i know you're fearful of going to the beach with the 2 little ones, but keep in mind you have 2 older ones (god sents) that are capable of helping you carry stuff or the second eye if you need to get lunch ready and stuff. make sure they get a special thank you for helping out. :)
- sleepovers, play dates, the availability for "traditional weekend plans" just opened up to "any day" plans. dont forget the tent making in the living room!
- speaking of tents, throw one in the back yard and let the older ones sleep out there for a night.
either way, you'll def be outdoors so grab yourself the port-a-crib and a bug net to go over it and let the little guy hang out. Good luck!!
How do I protect us from my mother and DCF?

Okay, I hope somebody can help us with this problem.Here is whats going on, back in Jan. of this year me and my mother got into an argument and the next day a worker with DCF was at our door.The DCF knew information about me that only my parents and fiancee know.So I know that is was her the reported us, DCF opened an investigation on us for 60 days and had Youth and Families Alt. come in 2 time a week.One of the YFA workers told us that it was my mom and my sister who reported us, but that they had found no indicators and that our was doing great.After that DCF closed out the investigation and we thought everything was over.Well that was 2 weeks ago and this is now, because she called us in again this past Monday.And again DCF investigated us only long enough to look at some pics on Myspace and to send in to take a monitored urine test and then they closed the case out again.When we asked who called , she of course said that she couldn't tell us who call, but that she could tell us that is was the same person who previously reported us.Then we asked what would happened if they called again and she told that we have to go through this all over again every time that anybody reports us no matter if they do it one time or one hundred times.She said that they turn it over to the state attorney after three times, but that it is up to them to prosecute her or not.We Even called the DCF worker's supervisor and she basically told us the same thing and said that she can confront the person making the reports, but that is all that she can do, but they still have to investigate the report.So we just want to know how we can stop this revolving door of investigations with DCF and/or stop my mother from reporting us every other week.Because we don't think its fair that someone can just keep making false reports and having people sent out to our house going through our house and taking pictures or us our child and our house.Plus sending us in to the courthouse to stand in a room with mirrors with some one standing there watching us urinate.We live in Polk county, FL it that helps with any of the answers.
We haven't spoken to her in three months now and she has even seen our daughter since a fews days after Christmas.Thats why I don't understand how DCF can believe her when on the second report because we told them that we don't have any contact with her anymore.
we do have an unlisted number but she had the number from before all of this happened, I have blocked her from emailing me, I have made my myspace page private. We can't just up and move because we don't have the money and I am not living in a tent with no power, no water or nothing with a 7 month old baby, DCF would definatly try to take her away then.
someone turned you in for drug use ,that is what the urin test is for,so,do you have a car and about 500 dollars then move,move you could move to the next county over and after you leave then call your mom and tell her you went and moved with some friends and you will send her an adress soon, then change your number to an unlisted one then change your email and send her a post office address if you want . i have to do that to my children that are grown cause they always want to come to my home get drunk and yell at my neighbors and rob me on there way out. so i still keep in touch with them but dont give them my home address and clear off your myspace page and dont put nothing on there that you dont want a judge to see, i have a 21 year old daughter witha baby and she is wild and stupid, she has a my space page with a pic. of her sucking on a adult toy on her knees and another one of hr on her knees huggig an adult toy that is 4foot tall and 2 foot wide .you do not have to let the welfare in your home all you have to do is open the door and let them see the child and you can make them get a cop if they have to and make the cop be present each time they can not check your myspace or mail unless you let them.but if i was you i would just not pay rent and if ihad a welare card or money then i would just buy a cheap tent and go 50 miles away or even to alabama, alabama is nice they have a building for foodstamps and a building for cash aid and a office for medicade, i lived all over the united states with 4 children and alabama is a good state, just get a tent and go pay to camp at camp grounds and state parks and rent another place,even if you have to stay at camp grounds and let your check money on card build up,,warm wheather is comming and so go ..if you stay your mom will call all the time tell they take the child away and do not sign no papers even if they bully you,,,,,,,,,,,,,you can by a pass for camping at a state park then go camp at one two weeks then back to other then back,,if you have a 2 week min,stay ,,you should be able to by a pas for about 300 for a year pass and then go back and forth for a few months and let your money build up on your card...
someone turned you in for drug use ,that is what the urin test is for,so,do you have a car and about 500 dollars then move,move you could move to the next county over and after you leave then call your mom and tell her you went and moved with some friends and you will send her an adress soon, then change your number to an unlisted one then change your email and send her a post office address if you want . i have to do that to my children that are grown cause they always want to come to my home get drunk and yell at my neighbors and rob me on there way out. so i still keep in touch with them but dont give them my home address and clear off your myspace page and dont put nothing on there that you dont want a judge to see, i have a 21 year old daughter witha baby and she is wild and stupid, she has a my space page with a pic. of her sucking on a adult toy on her knees and another one of hr on her knees huggig an adult toy that is 4foot tall and 2 foot wide .you do not have to let the welfare in your home all you have to do is open the door and let them see the child and you can make them get a cop if they have to and make the cop be present each time they can not check your myspace or mail unless you let them.but if i was you i would just not pay rent and if ihad a welare card or money then i would just buy a cheap tent and go 50 miles away or even to alabama, alabama is nice they have a building for foodstamps and a building for cash aid and a office for medicade, i lived all over the united states with 4 children and alabama is a good state, just get a tent and go pay to camp at camp grounds and state parks and rent another place,even if you have to stay at camp grounds and let your check money on card build up,,warm wheather is comming and so go ..if you stay your mom will call all the time tell they take the child away and do not sign no papers even if they bully you,,,,,,,,,,,,,you can by a pass for camping at a state park then go camp at one two weeks then back to other then back,,if you have a 2 week min,stay ,,you should be able to by a pas for about 300 for a year pass and then go back and forth for a few months and let your money build up on your card...
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