best tent camping recipes image

I'm sure this has probably been asked before, but I'll ask again. I like to go camping, but my friends don't so I usually go alone. But it's sort of boring going alone. But I still like being outdoors and away from the fast moving noisy city. On my past camping trips I've done a little hiking. I've looked up some camping recipes (before leaving home) and tried them out. Or sometimes I'll just read by the campfire.
I think I would enjoy it more if I understood my surroundings better. I would like to get into bird watching, or learning to identify flora I see. I think I would enjoy taking up outdoors photography. But I'm not sure where to start with any of this stuff. I'm still a relative novice at camping and don't know much of anything about birds, trees or plants.
So what type of things do you do while solo camping? Or how should I get started with some of my interests.
If it makes a difference, I usually just camp at a regular campsite at a park (I don't want to go too remote until I have more experience.) But I tent camp, and don't have electricity.
Try one thing at a time...learning flora...then fauna...then identifying birds. Here are some things my friends and I do when camping:
Hiking (like you do already)
Fishing (probably need a license)
Taking pics of sunrises & sunsets & local wildlife.
Set up a hammock, and listen to the wind and birds.
Practice making fire 'the old fashioned way' without starters, matches, etc....just for the heck of it, never know if it will come in handy some time in the future.
Learn about survival tactics in the wild (should you get lost, hurt or stranded some day).
Explore other campgrounds & parks
Get a good dog and take him camping with you. Walks and camping are great with medium sized dogs... like a Jack Russell, Rat Terrier, Miniature Pincher, Cocker Spaniel, Australian Shephard...etc.
Play fetch or frisbee with the dog. Share hot dogs with him :)
Take binoculars and watch wildlife & birds.
Make friends with other campers your age....might become something you make plans for to meet up and do in the future.
Just enjoy the peace and quiet.
Learn to write or draw, using nature as your inspiration...do it in a journal.
Take pics to put in a journal or scrapbook to add to your writing.
Use your imagination...the possibilities are endless....
Try one thing at a time...learning flora...then fauna...then identifying birds. Here are some things my friends and I do when camping:
Hiking (like you do already)
Fishing (probably need a license)
Taking pics of sunrises & sunsets & local wildlife.
Set up a hammock, and listen to the wind and birds.
Practice making fire 'the old fashioned way' without starters, matches, etc....just for the heck of it, never know if it will come in handy some time in the future.
Learn about survival tactics in the wild (should you get lost, hurt or stranded some day).
Explore other campgrounds & parks
Get a good dog and take him camping with you. Walks and camping are great with medium sized dogs... like a Jack Russell, Rat Terrier, Miniature Pincher, Cocker Spaniel, Australian Shephard...etc.
Play fetch or frisbee with the dog. Share hot dogs with him :)
Take binoculars and watch wildlife & birds.
Make friends with other campers your age....might become something you make plans for to meet up and do in the future.
Just enjoy the peace and quiet.
Learn to write or draw, using nature as your inspiration...do it in a journal.
Take pics to put in a journal or scrapbook to add to your writing.
Use your imagination...the possibilities are endless....
Campers: What type of camp meals do you have when tent camping for about a week?

Woodland H
Weâre a family of 3 & weâre going on a longer trip this time, & restaurants are far & few between. How do you manage meals & what type of food do you bring? Do you precook foods at home, bring them raw & cook them at camp, or frequent local grocery stores? Do you tend to eat a lot of canned food? Peanut butter sandwiches? Just looking for easy ideas & non-complicated recipes as space is at a premium w/ all the junk we have!!!
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches work fine for lunch, but if you're gone for a week, don't make them part of the dinner routine.
I would recommend that you pre-measure and prep before the trip as much as possible. Segregate stuff into zip-lock baggies and then just dump and mix once you are at the camp site. It makes life so much easier when you are trying to prepare the meal if you don't have to spend time cutting vegetables, measuring flour, spices, etc. Some recipes that work well include stews and cobblers. Don't be afraid to have a night roasting hot dogs. Do some searches for "Boy Scout Meals" to get some ideas.
Bring powdered drink mix like Tang, Lemonade, or Kool-Aid (leave the sugar free and low-calorie stuff like Crystal Lite at home as you and the kids will need the extra calories) to have with breakfast and lunch. Hot Cocoa works well for dinner.
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches work fine for lunch, but if you're gone for a week, don't make them part of the dinner routine.
I would recommend that you pre-measure and prep before the trip as much as possible. Segregate stuff into zip-lock baggies and then just dump and mix once you are at the camp site. It makes life so much easier when you are trying to prepare the meal if you don't have to spend time cutting vegetables, measuring flour, spices, etc. Some recipes that work well include stews and cobblers. Don't be afraid to have a night roasting hot dogs. Do some searches for "Boy Scout Meals" to get some ideas.
Bring powdered drink mix like Tang, Lemonade, or Kool-Aid (leave the sugar free and low-calorie stuff like Crystal Lite at home as you and the kids will need the extra calories) to have with breakfast and lunch. Hot Cocoa works well for dinner.
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