best tent camping in jasper image

I need to know major points in the book. Like what where some settings and stuff like that. I've read the book but it's been so long and I'm reading a different book.
The book starts off with mysterious killings in Seattle, Edward and the Cullen's suspect they are the work of a newborn vmpire as they are careless in the disposal of the bodies. Bella and Jacob are sending notes to each other about the state of their friendship through Charlie. Jacob is a werewolf, and Bella is dating a vampire, a werewolfs only enemy, making them having any type of friendship a huge problem. It hurts Jacob to have to stay away from Bella, and it hurts Bella even more knowing that it's all because of who she is dating. She can't understand why they can't coexist happily and just get along. Bella sneaks to La Push to see Jacob a few times, and he kisses her and admits he loves her, and he always has, she punches him, and Edward threatens him. Meanwhile the Cullens, and the wolf pack are working to capture Victoria, who is still trying to avenge her mate James' death. On graduation day Bella has a revelation that it is Victoria making the newborns and she plans to use them as distraction so she can get to Bella.
Alice and Jacob have a discussion and decide it is best to work together in this impending battle. Jasper teaches the werewolves about how the newborns will fight, he helped raise an army of them in his past so he knows all about them. The Cullens and the wolves actually get along pretty well. The day of the battle comes and Bella and Edward set up camp miles away from where the fight will take place, Jacob is their connection to the fight. [The wolves can hear one anothers thoughts when in wolf form.] Jacob over-hears Edward and Bella discussing their plans to get married, and runs off howling in pain. Bella is very upset, this may be the last time she sees him, so Edward goes to find Jacob so Bella can speak with him. Jacob claims that since she doesnt care about him, he will just let the newborns take him out, and Bella kisses him.. During this kiss she realizes she returns Jacob's love. She doesn't love him as strongly as she does Edward, but she does love him. He goes off to battle and Bella discusted with herself, starts crying because she feels like she betrayed Edward. He explain to her that Jacob was lying about letting the newborns take him out just so he could get her to kiss him. Before you even realize what has happened the tent is being ripped to shreads and Bella sees Victoria standing there, with a male vampire. Edward and Voctoria begin to fight, and Seth Clearwater, who came to replace Jacob fights with the male. Edward and Victoria fight for what seems like a long time, and Bella sees that someone is loosing badly, but cannot tell who it is, vmpires move very fast, and are nearly indestructable. Edward wins the fight, and so does Seth. They go to the clearing where the battle was going on to see how the rest of the Cullens, and the werewolves faired, and they defeated all of the newborns with no problem, but Jacob got hurt badly trying to be a hero. The every bone in the entire right side of his body is completely broken, but werewolves heal quickly so it isn't a huge deal. The book closes with Bella going to La Push to see Jacob. He left her on the mointian with the impression that they were going to be together, he didn't understand that when she kissed him back it was mearly to keep him alive, not a proclamation of love. She has to break his heart, and Jacob accepts it, he states that it doesn't mean he is giving up though.
The book starts off with mysterious killings in Seattle, Edward and the Cullen's suspect they are the work of a newborn vmpire as they are careless in the disposal of the bodies. Bella and Jacob are sending notes to each other about the state of their friendship through Charlie. Jacob is a werewolf, and Bella is dating a vampire, a werewolfs only enemy, making them having any type of friendship a huge problem. It hurts Jacob to have to stay away from Bella, and it hurts Bella even more knowing that it's all because of who she is dating. She can't understand why they can't coexist happily and just get along. Bella sneaks to La Push to see Jacob a few times, and he kisses her and admits he loves her, and he always has, she punches him, and Edward threatens him. Meanwhile the Cullens, and the wolf pack are working to capture Victoria, who is still trying to avenge her mate James' death. On graduation day Bella has a revelation that it is Victoria making the newborns and she plans to use them as distraction so she can get to Bella.
Alice and Jacob have a discussion and decide it is best to work together in this impending battle. Jasper teaches the werewolves about how the newborns will fight, he helped raise an army of them in his past so he knows all about them. The Cullens and the wolves actually get along pretty well. The day of the battle comes and Bella and Edward set up camp miles away from where the fight will take place, Jacob is their connection to the fight. [The wolves can hear one anothers thoughts when in wolf form.] Jacob over-hears Edward and Bella discussing their plans to get married, and runs off howling in pain. Bella is very upset, this may be the last time she sees him, so Edward goes to find Jacob so Bella can speak with him. Jacob claims that since she doesnt care about him, he will just let the newborns take him out, and Bella kisses him.. During this kiss she realizes she returns Jacob's love. She doesn't love him as strongly as she does Edward, but she does love him. He goes off to battle and Bella discusted with herself, starts crying because she feels like she betrayed Edward. He explain to her that Jacob was lying about letting the newborns take him out just so he could get her to kiss him. Before you even realize what has happened the tent is being ripped to shreads and Bella sees Victoria standing there, with a male vampire. Edward and Voctoria begin to fight, and Seth Clearwater, who came to replace Jacob fights with the male. Edward and Victoria fight for what seems like a long time, and Bella sees that someone is loosing badly, but cannot tell who it is, vmpires move very fast, and are nearly indestructable. Edward wins the fight, and so does Seth. They go to the clearing where the battle was going on to see how the rest of the Cullens, and the werewolves faired, and they defeated all of the newborns with no problem, but Jacob got hurt badly trying to be a hero. The every bone in the entire right side of his body is completely broken, but werewolves heal quickly so it isn't a huge deal. The book closes with Bella going to La Push to see Jacob. He left her on the mointian with the impression that they were going to be together, he didn't understand that when she kissed him back it was mearly to keep him alive, not a proclamation of love. She has to break his heart, and Jacob accepts it, he states that it doesn't mean he is giving up though.
What happens in "Eclipse" by Stephenie Meyer.?

I have read it once a while ago but have forgotten what happened and now i can't get a hold of the book :(
I don't mind spoilers at all :D
Since you don't mind spoilers, here's my summary. =]
The book starts off with mysterious killings in Seattle, Edward and the Cullen's suspect they are the work of a newborn vmpire as they are careless in the disposal of the bodies. Bella and Jacob are sending notes to each other about the state of their friendship through Charlie. Jacob is a werewolf, and Bella is dating a vampire, a werewolfs only enemy, making them having any type of friendship a huge problem. It hurts Jacob to have to stay away from Bella, and it hurts Bella even more knowing that it's all because of who she is dating. She can't understand why they can't coexist happily and just get along. Bella sneaks to La Push to see Jacob a few times, and he kisses her and admits he loves her, and he always has, she punches him, and Edward threatens him. Meanwhile the Cullens, and the wolf pack are working to capture Victoria, who is still trying to avenge her mate James' death. On graduation day Bella has a revelation that it is Victoria making the newborns and she plans to use them as distraction so she can get to Bella.
Alice and Jacob have a discussion and decide it is best to work together in this impending battle. Jasper teaches the werewolves about how the newborns will fight, he helped raise an army of them in his past so he knows all about them. The Cullens and the wolves actually get along pretty well. The day of the battle comes and Bella and Edward set up camp miles away from where the fight will take place, Jacob is their connection to the fight. [The wolves can hear one anothers thoughts when in wolf form.] Jacob over-hears Edward and Bella discussing their plans to get married, and runs off howling in pain. Bella is very upset, this may be the last time she sees him, so Edward goes to find Jacob so Bella can speak with him. Jacob claims that since she doesnt care about him, he will just let the newborns take him out, and Bella kisses him.. During this kiss she realizes she returns Jacob's love. She doesn't love him as strongly as she does Edward, but she does love him. He goes off to battle and Bella discusted with herself, starts crying because she feels like she betrayed Edward. He explain to her that Jacob was lying about letting the newborns take him out just so he could get her to kiss him. Before you even realize what has happened the tent is being ripped to shreads and Bella sees Victoria standing there, with a male vampire. Edward and Voctoria begin to fight, and Seth Clearwater, who came to replace Jacob fights with the male. Edward and Victoria fight for what seems like a long time, and Bella sees that someone is loosing badly, but cannot tell who it is, vampires move very fast, and are nearly indestructable. Edward wins the fight, and so does Seth. They go to the clearing where the battle was going on to see how the rest of the Cullens, and the werewolves faired, and they defeated all of the newborns with no problem, but Jacob got hurt badly trying to be a hero. The every bone in the entire right side of his body is completely broken, but werewolves heal quickly so it isn't a huge deal. The book closes with Bella going to La Push to see Jacob. He left her on the mointian with the impression that they were going to be together, he didn't understand that when she kissed him back it was mearly to keep him alive, not a proclamation of love. She has to break his heart, and Jacob accepts it, he states that it doesn't mean he is giving up though.
Since you don't mind spoilers, here's my summary. =]
The book starts off with mysterious killings in Seattle, Edward and the Cullen's suspect they are the work of a newborn vmpire as they are careless in the disposal of the bodies. Bella and Jacob are sending notes to each other about the state of their friendship through Charlie. Jacob is a werewolf, and Bella is dating a vampire, a werewolfs only enemy, making them having any type of friendship a huge problem. It hurts Jacob to have to stay away from Bella, and it hurts Bella even more knowing that it's all because of who she is dating. She can't understand why they can't coexist happily and just get along. Bella sneaks to La Push to see Jacob a few times, and he kisses her and admits he loves her, and he always has, she punches him, and Edward threatens him. Meanwhile the Cullens, and the wolf pack are working to capture Victoria, who is still trying to avenge her mate James' death. On graduation day Bella has a revelation that it is Victoria making the newborns and she plans to use them as distraction so she can get to Bella.
Alice and Jacob have a discussion and decide it is best to work together in this impending battle. Jasper teaches the werewolves about how the newborns will fight, he helped raise an army of them in his past so he knows all about them. The Cullens and the wolves actually get along pretty well. The day of the battle comes and Bella and Edward set up camp miles away from where the fight will take place, Jacob is their connection to the fight. [The wolves can hear one anothers thoughts when in wolf form.] Jacob over-hears Edward and Bella discussing their plans to get married, and runs off howling in pain. Bella is very upset, this may be the last time she sees him, so Edward goes to find Jacob so Bella can speak with him. Jacob claims that since she doesnt care about him, he will just let the newborns take him out, and Bella kisses him.. During this kiss she realizes she returns Jacob's love. She doesn't love him as strongly as she does Edward, but she does love him. He goes off to battle and Bella discusted with herself, starts crying because she feels like she betrayed Edward. He explain to her that Jacob was lying about letting the newborns take him out just so he could get her to kiss him. Before you even realize what has happened the tent is being ripped to shreads and Bella sees Victoria standing there, with a male vampire. Edward and Voctoria begin to fight, and Seth Clearwater, who came to replace Jacob fights with the male. Edward and Victoria fight for what seems like a long time, and Bella sees that someone is loosing badly, but cannot tell who it is, vampires move very fast, and are nearly indestructable. Edward wins the fight, and so does Seth. They go to the clearing where the battle was going on to see how the rest of the Cullens, and the werewolves faired, and they defeated all of the newborns with no problem, but Jacob got hurt badly trying to be a hero. The every bone in the entire right side of his body is completely broken, but werewolves heal quickly so it isn't a huge deal. The book closes with Bella going to La Push to see Jacob. He left her on the mointian with the impression that they were going to be together, he didn't understand that when she kissed him back it was mearly to keep him alive, not a proclamation of love. She has to break his heart, and Jacob accepts it, he states that it doesn't mean he is giving up though.
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